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P Sollich and M E Cates. Projected free energies for polydisperse phase equilibria. Physical Review Letters, 80:1365-1368, 1998.
Abstract and full paper

P Sollich. Rheological constitutive equation for a model of soft glassy materials. Physical Review E, 58:738-759, 1998.
Abstract and full paper

P Sollich and D Barber. Online learning from finite training sets and robustness to input bias. Neural Computation, 10:2201-2217,1998.
Abstract and full paper

P Sollich and D Barber. Online learning from finite training sets in non-linear networks. In M I Jordan, M J Kearns, and S A Solla, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10, pages 357-363, Cambridge, MA, 1998. MIT Press.
Abstract and full paper

D Barber and P Sollich. On-line learning from finite training sets. In D Saad, editor, On-line learning in neural networks, pages 279-302, Cambridge, 1998. Cambridge University Press.
Abstract and full paper

Last updated Mon Oct 17 2016
Contact: Peter Sollich
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