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Journal articles

  1. P Sollich, V Heine, and M T Dove. The Ginzburg interval in soft-mode phase transitions: consequences of the Rigid Unit Mode picture. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 6:3171-3196, 1994.
    Abstract and full paper

  2. P Sollich. Query construction, entropy, and generalization in neural network models. Physical Review E, 49:4637-4651, 1994.
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  3. P Sollich. Finite-size effects in learning and generalization in linear perceptrons. Journal of Physics A, 27:7771-7784, 1994.
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  4. D Barber, D Saad, and P Sollich. Test error fluctuations in finite linear perceptrons. Neural Computation, 7:809-821, 1995.
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  5. P Sollich. Learning unrealizable tasks from minimum entropy queries. Journal of Physics A, 28:6125-6142, 1995.
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  6. D Barber, D Saad, and P Sollich. Finite-size effects and optimal test set size in linear perceptrons. Journal of Physics A, 28:1325-1334, 1995.
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  7. P Sollich. Learning from minimum entropy queries in a large committee machine. Physical Review E, 53:R2060-R2063, 1996.
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  8. D Barber, D Saad, and P Sollich. Finite size effects in online learning of multilayer neural networks. Europhysics Letters, 34:151-156, 1996.
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  9. A Krogh and P Sollich. Statistical mechanics of ensemble learning. Physical Review E, 55:811-825, 1997.
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  10. P Sollich, F Lequeux, P Hébraud, and M E Cates. Rheology of soft glassy materials. Physical Review Letters, 78:2020-2023, 1997.
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  11. P Sollich and D Barber. Online learning from finite training sets. Europhysics Letters, 38:477-482, 1997.
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  12. P Sollich and M E Cates. Projected free energies for polydisperse phase equilibria. Physical Review Letters, 80:1365-1368, 1998.
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  13. P Sollich. Rheological constitutive equation for a model of soft glassy materials. Physical Review E, 58:738-759, 1998.
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  14. P Sollich and D Barber. Online learning from finite training sets and robustness to input bias. Neural Computation, 10:2201-2217,1998.
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  15. R M L Evans, M E Cates and P Sollich. Diffusion and rheology in a model of glassy materials. European Physical Journal B, 10:705-718, 1999.
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  16. H C Rae, P Sollich, and A C C Coolen. On-Line Learning with Restricted Training Sets: An Exactly Solvable Case. Journal of Physics A, 32:3321-3339, 1999.
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  17. P Sollich and M R Evans. Glassy timescale divergence and anomalous coarsening in a kinetically constrained spin chain. Physical Review Letters, 83:3238-3241, 1999.
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  18. S M Fielding, P Sollich and M E Cates. Ageing and rheology in soft materials. Journal of Rheology, 44:323-369, 2000.
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  19. H Nishimori and P Sollich. Spin states and entropy of Ising spin glasses. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 69:A160-A164, 2000.
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  20. N Clarke, J A Cuesta, R Sear, P Sollich and A Speranza. Phase equilibria in the polydisperse Zwanzig model of hard rods. Journal of Chemical Physics, 113:5817-5829, 2000.
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  21. P Sollich, H Nishimori, A C C Coolen and A J van der Sijs. Nontrivial phase behaviour in the infinite-range quantum Mattis model. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 69:3200-3213, 2000.
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  22. P Sollich, P B Warren and M E Cates. Moment free energies for polydisperse systems. Advances in Chemical Physics (I Prigogine and S A Rice, editors), 116:265-336, 2001.
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  23. P Sollich. Bayesian methods for Support Vector Machines: Evidence and predictive class probabilities. Machine Learning, 46:21-52, 2002.
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  24. P Sollich and A Halees. Learning curves for Gaussian process regression: Approximations and bounds. Neural Computation, 14:1393-1428, 2002.
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  25. S M Fielding and P Sollich. Observable-dependence of fluctuation-dissipation relations and effective temperatures. Physical Review Letters, 88:050603, 2002.
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  26. P Sollich. Predicting phase equilibria in polydisperse systems (invited topical review). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14:R79-R117, 2002.
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  27. P Sollich, S M Fielding and P Mayer. Fluctuation-dissipation relations and effective temperatures in simple non-mean field systems. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14:1683-1696, 2002.
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  28. N B Wilding and P Sollich. Grand canonical ensemble simulation studies of polydisperse fluids. Journal of Chemical Physics, 16:7116-7126, 2002.
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  29. A Speranza and P Sollich. Simplified Onsager theory for isotropic-nematic phase equilibria of length polydisperse hard rods. Journal of Chemical Physics, 117:5421-5436, 2002.
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  30. C Gold and P Sollich. Model selection for Support Vector Machine classification. Neurocomputing, 55:221-249, 2003.
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  31. A Speranza and P Sollich. Isotropic-nematic phase equilibria of polydisperse hard rods: The effect of fat tails in the length distribution. Journal of Chemical Physics, 118:5213-5223, 2003.
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  32. S M Fielding and P Sollich. Equivalence of driven and ageing fluctuation-dissipation relations in the trap model. Physical Review E, 67:011101, 2003.
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  33. F Ritort and P Sollich. Glassy dynamics of kinetically constrained models. Advances in Physics, 52:219-342, 2003.
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  34. A Speranza and P Sollich. Isotropic-nematic phase equilibria in the Onsager theory of hard rods with length polydispersity. Physical Review E, 67:061702, 2003.
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  35. P Mayer, L Berthier, J P Garrahan, P Sollich. Fluctuation-dissipation relations in the non-equilibrium critical dynamics of Ising models. Physical Review E, 68:016116, 2003.
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  36. P Sollich and M R Evans. Glassy dynamics in the asymmetrically constrained kinetic Ising chain. Physical Review E, 68:031504, 2003.
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  37. P Sollich. Fluctuation-dissipation relations in trap models. Journal of Physics A, 36:10807-10818, 2003.
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  38. M Fasolo and P Sollich. Equilibrium phase behavior of polydisperse hard spheres. Physical Review Letters, 91:068301, 2003.
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  39. M E Cates and P Sollich. Tensorial constitutive models for disordered foams, dense emulsions, and other soft nonergodic materials. Journal of Rheology, 48:193-207, 2004.
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  40. P Mayer and P Sollich. General solutions for multispin two-time correlation and response functions in the Glauber-Ising chain. Journal of Physics A, 37:9-49, 2004.
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  41. P Mayer, L Berthier, J P Garrahan, P Sollich. Reply to Comment on "Fluctuation-dissipation relations in the non-equilibrium critical dynamics of Ising models". Physical Review E, 70:018102, 2004.
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  42. N B Wilding and P Sollich. Phase equilibria and fractionation in a polydisperse fluid. Europhysics Letters, 67:219-225, 2004.
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  43. H Nishimori and P Sollich. Error counting in a quantum error-correcting code and the ground-state energy of a spin glass. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 73(10):2701-2707, 2004.
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  44. P Mayer, H Bissig, L Berthier, L Cipelletti, J P Garrahan, P Sollich and V Trappe. Heterogeneous Dynamics of Coarsening Systems. Physical Review Letters, 93:115701, 2004.
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  45. M Fasolo and P Sollich. Fractionation effects in phase equilibria of polydisperse hard sphere colloids. Physical Review E, 70:041410, 2004.
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  46. N B Wilding, M Fasolo and P Sollich. Liquid-gas coexistence and critical point shifts in size-disperse fluids. Journal of Chemical Physics, 121:6887-6899, 2004.
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  47. P Mayer, P Sollich. Observable dependent quasi-equilibrium in slow dynamics. Physical Review E, 71:046113, 2005.
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  48. C B Holmes, M Fuchs, M E Cates and P Sollich. Glass transitions and shear thickening suspension rheology. Journal of Rheology, 49:237-269, 2005.
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  49. M Fasolo and P Sollich. Effects of colloid polydispersity on the phase behaviour of colloid-polymer mixtures. Journal of Chemical Physics, 122:074904, 2005.
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  50. M Fasolo and P Sollich. Effects of polymer polydispersity on the phase behaviour of colloid-polymer mixtures. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17(6):797-812, 2005.
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  51. P Sollich. Nematic-nematic demixing in polydisperse thermotropic liquid crystals. Journal of Chemical Physics, 122:214911, 2005.
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  52. P Mayer, P Sollich, L Berthier, J P Garrahan. Dynamic heterogeneity in the Glauber-Ising chain. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P05002, 2005.
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  53. C Gold, A Holub and P Sollich. Bayesian approach to feature selection and parameter tuning for Support Vector Machine classifiers. Neural Networks, 18(5-6), 693-701, 2005.
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  54. N B Wilding, P Sollich and M Fasolo. Finite-size scaling and particle-size cutoff effects in phase-separating polydisperse fluids. Physical Review Letters, 95:155701, 2005.
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  55. A Garriga, P Sollich, I Pagonabarraga and F Ritort. Universality of fluctuation-dissipation ratios: the ferromagnetic model. Physical Review E, 72:056114, 2005.
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  56. P Mayer, S Léonard, L Berthier, J P Garrahan and P Sollich. Activated aging dynamics and negative fluctuation-dissipation ratios. Physical Review Letters, 96:030602, 2006.
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  57. A Annibale and P Sollich. Spin, bond and global fluctuation-dissipation relations in the non-equilibrium spherical ferromagnet. Journal of Physics A, 39:2853-2907, 2006.
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  58. P Sollich. Trap models with slowly decorrelating observables. Journal of Physics A, 39:2573-2597, 2006.
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  59. R L Jack, P Mayer and P Sollich. Mappings between reaction-diffusion and kinetically constrained systems: A+A $\leftrightarrow$ A and the FA model have upper critical dimension $d_{\rm c}=2$. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P03006, 2006.
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  60. M Buzzacchi, P Sollich, N B Wilding and M Müller. Simulation estimates of cloud points of polydisperse fluids. Physical Review E, 73:046110, 2006.
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  61. N B Wilding, P Sollich, M Fasolo and M Buzzacchi. Phase behaviour and particle-size cutoff effects in polydisperse fluids Journal of Chemical Physics, 125:014908, 2006.
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  62. M Buzzacchi, N B Wilding, P Sollich. Wetting transitions in polydisperse fluids. Physical Review Letters, 97:136104, 2006.
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  63. R Fantoni, D Gazzillo, A Giacometti and P Sollich. Phase behavior of weakly polydisperse sticky hard spheres: Perturbation theory for the Percus-Yevick solution. Journal of Chemical Physics, 125:164504, 2006.
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  64. D Gazzillo, A Giacometti, R Fantoni and P Sollich. Multicomponent adhesive hard sphere models and short-ranged attractive interactions in colloidal or micellar solutions. Physical Review E, 74:051407, 2006.
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  65. P Mayer and P Sollich. Aging in one-dimensional coagulation-diffusion processes and the Fredrickson-Andersen model. Journal of Physics A, 40:5823-5856, 2007.
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  66. S Léonard, P Mayer, P Sollich, L Berthier and J P Garrahan. Non-equilibrium dynamics of spin facilitated glass models. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P07017, 2007.
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  67. N B Wilding, P Sollich, M Buzzacchi. Polydisperse lattice-gas model. Physical Review E 77:011501, 2008.
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  68. P Sollich. Weakly polydisperse systems: Perturbative phase diagrams that include the critical region. Physical Review Letters, 100:035701, 2008.
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  69. R L Jack and P Sollich. Duality between random trap and barrier models. Journal of Physics A, 41:324001, 2008.
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  70. A Annibale and P Sollich. Fluctuation-dissipation relations in critical coarsening: crossover from unmagnetized to magnetized initial states. Journal of Physics A, 41:135001, 2008.
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  71. F Rouyer, S Cohen-Addad, R Höhler, P Sollich and S M Fielding. The large amplitude oscillatory strain response of aqueous foam: Strain localization and full stress Fourier spectrum. European Physical Journal E, 27(3):309-321, 2008.
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  72. S M Fielding, M E Cates and P Sollich. Shear banding, aging and noise dynamics in soft glassy materials. Soft Matter, 2009.
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  73. P Sollich, S N Majumdar and A J Bray. Phase Transition in a Random Minima Model: Mean Field Theory and Exact Solution on the Bethe Lattice. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P11011, 2008.
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  74. R L Jack, P Sollich and P Mayer. Subdiffusive motion in kinetically constrained models. Physical Review E, 78:061107, 2008.
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  75. A Annibale and P Sollich. Dynamic heterogeneities in critical coarsening: Exact results for correlation and response fluctuations in finite-sized spherical models. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P02064, 2009.
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  76. R L Jack and P Sollich. Duality symmetries and effective dynamics in disordered hopping models. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P11011, 2009.
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  77. P Sollich and N B Wilding. Crystalline phases of polydisperse spheres. Physical Review Letters, 104:118302, 2010.
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  78. D J Ashton, N B Wilding and P Sollich. Fluid phase coexistence and critical behavior from simulations in the restricted Gibbs ensemble. Journal of Chemical Physics, 132:074111, 2010.
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  79. J Yousafzai, P Sollich, Z Cvetkovic and Bin Yu. Combined features and kernel design for noise robust phoneme classification using Support Vector Machines. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 19:1396-1407, 2011.
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  80. N B Wilding and P Sollich. Phase behavior of polydisperse spheres: Simulation strategies and an application to the freezing transition. Journal of Chemical Physics, 133:224102, 2010.
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  81. P Sollich and N B Wilding. Polydispersity induced solid-solid transitions in model colloids. Soft Matter, 7:4472-4484, 2011.
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  82. L Berthier, P Chaudhuri, C Coulais, O Dauchot and P Sollich. Suppressed compressibility at large scale in jammed packings of size-disperse spheres. Physical Review Letters, 106:120601, 2011.
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  83. A Baule and P Sollich. Singular features in noise-induced transport with dry friction. EPL, 97:20001, 2012.
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  84. R Kühn and P Sollich. Spectra of empirical auto-covariance matrices. EPL, 99:20008, 2012.
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  85. M E Cates and P Sollich. Thermodynamic interpretation of soft glassy rheology models. Physical Review E, 85:031127, 2012.
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  86. P Sollich and A Barra. Notes on the polynomial identities in random overlap structures. Journal of Statistical Physics, 147:351, 2012.
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  87. T H Rainer, P Sollich, T Piotrowski, A C C Coolen, B Cheng and C A Graham. Evaluating acute medical admissions through emergency departments in Hong Kong: can one adjust for case-mix variation? Emergency Medicine Journal, 29:978-982, 2012.
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  88. A Ikeda and L Berthier and P Sollich. Unified study of glass and jamming rheology in soft particle systems. Physical Review Letters, 109:018301, 2012.
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  89. M J Urry and P Sollich. Replica theory for learning curves for Gaussian processes on random graphs. Journal of Physics A, 45:425005, 2012.
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  90. P Sollich and A Barra. Spin glass polynomial identities from entropic constraints. Journal of Physics A, 45:485001, 2012.
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  91. N B Wilding and P Sollich. A Monte Carlo method for chemical potential determination in single and multiple occupancy crystals. EPL, 101:10004, 2013.
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  92. M Pica Ciamarra and P Sollich. High-order jamming crossovers and density anomalies. Soft Matter, 9:9557-9561, 2013.
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  93. M Pica Ciamarra and P Sollich. The first jamming crossover: geometrical and mechanical features. Journal of Chemical Physics, 138:12A529, 2013.
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  94. M J Urry and P Sollich. Random walk kernels and learning curves for Gaussian process regression on random graphs. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 14:1801-1835, 2013.
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  95. S Ganguli, S Sengupta, P Sollich and M Rao. Nonaffine displacements in crystalline solids in the harmonic limit Physical Review E, 87:042801, 2013.
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  96. A Baule and P Sollich. Rectification of asymmetric surface vibrations with dry friction: An exactly solvable model. Physical Review E, 87:032112, 2013
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  97. A Ikeda, L Berthier and P Sollich. Disentangling glass and jamming physics in the rheology of soft materials. Soft Matter, 9:7669-7683, 2013.
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  98. G L Noyce, M B Küssner and P Sollich. Quantifying shapes: Mathematical techniques for analysing visual representations of sound and music. Empirical Musicology Review, 8(2), 2013.
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  99. R L Jack and P Sollich. Large deviations of the dynamical activity in the East model: analysing structure in biased trajectories. Journal of Physics A, 47:015003, 2014.
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  100. K J Rubin, K Lawler, P Sollich and T Ng. Memory effects in biochemical networks as the natural counterpart of extrinsic noise. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 357:245-267, 2014.
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  101. A E Teschendorff, P Sollich and R Kühn. Signalling entropy: a novel network-theoretical framework for systems analysis and interpretation of functional omic data. Methods, 67(3):282-293, 2014.
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  102. N B Wilding, P Sollich. Demixing cascades in cluster crystals. Journal of Chemical Physics, 141(9):094903, 2014
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  103. P Sollich, D Tantari, A Annibale and A Barra. Extensive Parallel Processing on Scale-Free Networks. Physical Review Letters, 113(23):238106, 2014
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  104. S Ganguly, S Sengupta and P Sollich. Statistics of non-affine defect precursors: tailoring defect densities in colloidal crystals using external fields. Soft Matter, 11(22):4517-4526, 2015.
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  105. R L Jack, I R Thompson and P Sollich. Hyperuniformity and Phase Separation in Biased Ensembles of Trajectories for Diffusive Systems. Physical Review Letters, 114(6):060601, 2015.
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  106. T Laffargue, P Sollich, J Tailleur, F van Wijland. Large-scale fluctuations of the largest Lyapunov exponent in diffusive systems. EPL, 110(1):10006, 2015
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  107. A Teschendorff, C R S Banerji, S Severini, R Kühn and P Sollich. Increased signaling entropy in cancer requires the scale-free property of protein interaction networks. Scientific Reports, 5:9646, 2015.
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  108. S Grigolon, P Sollich and O C Martin. Modelling the emergence of polarity patterns for the intercellular transport of auxin in plants. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12(106):20141223, 2015.
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  109. M P Ciamarra and P Sollich. Dynamics and instantaneous normal modes in a liquid with density anomalies. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 27(19):194128, 2015.
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  110. C De Bacco, S N Majumdar and P Sollich. The average number of distinct sites visited by a random walker on random graphs. Journal of Physics A, 48(20):205004, 2015.
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  111. A Mitra, S Ganguly, S Sengupta and P Sollich. Non-affine fluctuations and the statistics of defect precursors in the planar honeycomb lattice. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P06025, 2015.
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  112. R L Jack and P Sollich. Effective interactions and large deviations in stochastic processes. European Physical Journal Special Topics, 224:2351, 2015.
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  113. Extended Plefka Expansion for Stochastic Dynamics. B Bravi, P Sollich, M Opper. Journal of Physics A, 49:194003, 2016
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  114. A Aloric, P Sollich, P McBurney, T Galla. Emergence of Cooperative Long-term Market Loyalty in Double Auction Markets. PLoS ONE, 11(4):e0154606, 2016.
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  115. A Ikeda, L Berthier, P Sollich. Comment on "Constant stress and pressure rheology of colloidal suspensions". Physical Review Letters, 116:179801, 2016.
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  116. A Baule and P Sollich. Optimal escape from metastable states driven by non-Gaussian noise. Submitted for publication.
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  117. S Ganguly, J Horbach, P  Sollich, S Karmakar, S Sengupta. Amorphization of a crystalline solid by plastic deformation. Submitted for publication.
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  118. B Bravi, P Sollich. Inference for dynamics of continuous variables: the Extended Plefka Expansion with hidden nodes. Submitted for publication.
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  119. P Sollich. The de Almeida-Thouless instability: when a 'simple' description of complexity is not enough. Journal of Physics A, to appear.
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  120. J A Hertz, Y Roudi, P Sollich. Path integral methods for the dynamics of stochastic and disordered systems. Submitted for publication.
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  121. K J Rubin, P Sollich. Michaelis-Menten dynamics in protein subnetworks. Journal of Chemical Physics, 144:174114, 2016.
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  122. B Bravi, M Opper, P Sollich. Inferring hidden states in Langevin dynamics on large networks: average case performance. Submitted for publication.
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