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Critical and coarsening dynamics, fluctuation-dissipation ratios, effective temperatures

P Sollich, S M Fielding and P Mayer. Fluctuation-dissipation relations and effective temperatures in simple non-mean field systems. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14:1683-1696, 2002.
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P Mayer, L Berthier, J P Garrahan, P Sollich. Fluctuation-dissipation relations in the non-equilibrium critical dynamics of Ising models. Physical Review E, 68:016116, 2003.
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P Mayer and P Sollich. General solutions for multispin two-time correlation and response functions in the Glauber-Ising chain. Journal of Physics A, 37:9-49, 2004.
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P Mayer, L Berthier, J P Garrahan, P Sollich. Reply to Comment on "Fluctuation-dissipation relations in the non-equilibrium critical dynamics of Ising models". Physical Review E, 70:018102, 2004.
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P Mayer and P Sollich. Exact non-equilibrium fluctuation dissipation relations for multi-spin observables in the Glauber-Ising spin chain. Slow dynamics in complex systems, AIP Conference Proceedings 708(1):703-704, 2004.
Abstract and full paper

P Mayer, H Bissig, L Berthier, L Cipelletti, J P Garrahan, P Sollich and V Trappe. Heterogeneous Dynamics of Coarsening Systems. Physical Review Letters, 93:115701, 2004.
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P Mayer, P Sollich. Observable dependent quasi-equilibrium in slow dynamics. Physical Review E, 71:046113, 2005.
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P Mayer, P Sollich, L Berthier, J P Garrahan. Dynamic heterogeneity in the Glauber-Ising chain. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P05002, 2005.
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A Garriga, P Sollich, I Pagonabarraga and F Ritort. Universality of fluctuation-dissipation ratios: the ferromagnetic model. Physical Review E, 72:056114, 2005.
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A Annibale and P Sollich. Spin, bond and global fluctuation-dissipation relations in the non-equilibrium spherical ferromagnet. Journal of Physics A, 39:2853-2907, 2006.
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A Annibale and P Sollich. Fluctuation-dissipation relations in critical coarsening: crossover from unmagnetized to magnetized initial states. Journal of Physics A, 41:135001, 2008.
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A Annibale and P Sollich. Dynamic heterogeneities in critical coarsening: Exact results for correlation and response fluctuations in finite-sized spherical models. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P02064, 2009.
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Last updated Mon Oct 17 2016
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