P Sollich and M R Evans.
Glassy timescale divergence and anomalous coarsening
in a kinetically constrained spin chain.
Physical Review Letters, 83:3238-3241, 1999.
Abstract and full paper
P Sollich and F Ritort, editors. Proceedings of workshop on ``Glassy
dynamics in kinetically constrained models''. Journal of Physics:
Condensed Matter, 14(7), 2002.
Abstract and full paper
F Ritort and P Sollich.
Glassy dynamics of kinetically constrained models.
Advances in Physics, 52:219-342, 2003.
Abstract and full paper
P Sollich and M R Evans.
Glassy dynamics in the asymmetrically constrained kinetic Ising chain.
Physical Review E, 68:031504, 2003.
Abstract and full paper
P Mayer, S Léonard, L Berthier, J P Garrahan and P Sollich.
Activated aging dynamics and negative fluctuation-dissipation ratios.
Physical Review Letters, 96:030602, 2006.
Abstract and full paper
R L Jack, P Mayer and P Sollich.
Mappings between reaction-diffusion and kinetically constrained
systems: A+A
A and the FA model have upper critical
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P03006, 2006.
Abstract and full paper
P Mayer and P Sollich.
Aging in one-dimensional coagulation-diffusion processes and the
Fredrickson-Andersen model.
Journal of Physics A, 40:5823-5856, 2007.
Abstract and full paper
S Léonard, P Mayer, P Sollich, L Berthier and J P Garrahan.
Non-equilibrium dynamics of spin facilitated glass models.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P07017, 2007.
Abstract and full paper
R L Jack, P Sollich and P Mayer.
Subdiffusive motion in kinetically constrained models.
Physical Review E, 78:061107, 2008.
Abstract and full paper
J P Garrahan, P Sollich and C Toninelli.
Kinetically constrained models.
In L Berthier, G Biroli, J-P Bouchaud, L Cipelletti and W van
Saarloos, editors, pages 341-369, Oxford University Press, 2011.
Abstract and full paper
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