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P Sollich and M E Cates. Projected free energies for polydisperse phase equilibria. Physical Review Letters, 80:1365-1368, 1998.
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P Sollich, P B Warren and M E Cates. Moment free energies for polydisperse systems. Advances in Chemical Physics (I Prigogine and S A Rice, editors), 116:265-336, 2001.
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N Clarke, J A Cuesta, R Sear, P Sollich and A Speranza. Phase equilibria in the polydisperse Zwanzig model of hard rods. Journal of Chemical Physics, 113:5817-5829, 2000.
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P Sollich. Predicting phase equilibria in polydisperse systems (invited topical review). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14:R79-R117, 2002.
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N B Wilding and P Sollich. Grand canonical ensemble simulation studies of polydisperse fluids. Journal of Chemical Physics, 16:7116-7126, 2002.
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A Speranza and P Sollich. Simplified Onsager theory for isotropic-nematic phase equilibria of length polydisperse hard rods. Journal of Chemical Physics, 117:5421-5436, 2002.
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A Speranza and P Sollich. Isotropic-nematic phase equilibria of polydisperse hard rods: The effect of fat tails in the length distribution. Journal of Chemical Physics, 118:5213-5223, 2003.
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A Speranza and P Sollich. Isotropic-nematic phase equilibria in the Onsager theory of hard rods with length polydispersity. Physical Review E, 67:061702, 2003.
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M Fasolo and P Sollich. Equilibrium phase behavior of polydisperse hard spheres. Physical Review Letters, 91:068301, 2003.
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M Fasolo, P Sollich and A Speranza. Phase equilibria in polydisperse colloidal systems. React. Funct. Polym., 58:187-196, 2004.
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N B Wilding and P Sollich. Phase equilibria and fractionation in a polydisperse fluid. Europhysics Letters, 67:219-225, 2004.
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M Fasolo and P Sollich. Fractionation effects in phase equilibria of polydisperse hard sphere colloids. Physical Review E, 70:041410, 2004.
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N B Wilding, M Fasolo and P Sollich. Liquid-gas coexistence and critical point shifts in size-disperse fluids. Journal of Chemical Physics, 121:6887-6899, 2004.
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M Fasolo and P Sollich. Effects of colloid polydispersity on the phase behaviour of colloid-polymer mixtures. Journal of Chemical Physics, 122:074904, 2005.
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M Fasolo and P Sollich. Effects of polymer polydispersity on the phase behaviour of colloid-polymer mixtures. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17(6):797-812, 2005.
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P Sollich. Nematic-nematic demixing in polydisperse thermotropic liquid crystals. Journal of Chemical Physics, 122:214911, 2005.
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N B Wilding, P Sollich and M Fasolo. Finite-size scaling and particle-size cutoff effects in phase-separating polydisperse fluids. Physical Review Letters, 95:155701, 2005.
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N B Wilding and P Sollich. Liquid-vapour phase behaviour of a polydisperse Lennard-Jones fluid. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17(45):S3245-S3252, 2005.
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M Buzzacchi, P Sollich, N B Wilding and M Müller. Simulation estimates of cloud points of polydisperse fluids. Physical Review E, 73:046110, 2006.
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N B Wilding, P Sollich, M Fasolo and M Buzzacchi. Phase behaviour and particle-size cutoff effects in polydisperse fluids Journal of Chemical Physics, 125:014908, 2006.
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M Buzzacchi, N B Wilding, P Sollich. Wetting transitions in polydisperse fluids. Physical Review Letters, 97:136104, 2006.
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R Fantoni, D Gazzillo, A Giacometti and P Sollich. Phase behavior of weakly polydisperse sticky hard spheres: Perturbation theory for the Percus-Yevick solution. Journal of Chemical Physics, 125:164504, 2006.
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D Gazzillo, A Giacometti, R Fantoni and P Sollich. Multicomponent adhesive hard sphere models and short-ranged attractive interactions in colloidal or micellar solutions. Physical Review E, 74:051407, 2006.
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N B Wilding, P Sollich, M Buzzacchi. Polydisperse lattice-gas model. Physical Review E 77:011501, 2008.
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P Sollich. Weakly polydisperse systems: Perturbative phase diagrams that include the critical region. Physical Review Letters, 100:035701, 2008.
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P Sollich and N B Wilding. Crystalline phases of polydisperse spheres. Physical Review Letters, 104:118302, 2010.
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N B Wilding and P Sollich. Phase behavior of polydisperse spheres: Simulation strategies and an application to the freezing transition. Journal of Chemical Physics, 133:224102, 2010.
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P Sollich and N B Wilding. Polydispersity induced solid-solid transitions in model colloids. Soft Matter, 7:4472-4484, 2011.
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L Berthier, P Chaudhuri, C Coulais, O Dauchot and P Sollich. Suppressed compressibility at large scale in jammed packings of size-disperse spheres. Physical Review Letters, 106:120601, 2011.
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Last updated Mon Oct 17 2016
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