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Rheology and diffusion

P Sollich, F Lequeux, P Hébraud, and M E Cates. Rheology of soft glassy materials. Physical Review Letters, 78:2020-2023, 1997.
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P Sollich. Rheological constitutive equation for a model of soft glassy materials. Physical Review E, 58:738-759, 1998.
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M E Cates and P Sollich. Rheology and glassy dynamics of foams. In J F Sadoc and N Rivier, editors, Foams and Emulsions, pages 207-236, Dordrecht, 1999. Kluwer Academic.
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R M L Evans, M E Cates and P Sollich. Diffusion and rheology in a model of glassy materials. European Physical Journal B, 10:705-718, 1999.
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S M Fielding, P Sollich and M E Cates. Ageing and rheology in soft materials. Journal of Rheology, 44:323-369, 2000.
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M E Cates and P Sollich. Tensorial constitutive models for disordered foams, dense emulsions, and other soft nonergodic materials. Journal of Rheology, 48:193-207, 2004.
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C B Holmes, M Fuchs, M E Cates and P Sollich. Glass transitions and shear thickening suspension rheology. Journal of Rheology, 49:237-269, 2005.
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P Sollich. Soft glassy rheology. In R G Weiss, P Terech, editors, Molecular Gels: Materials with Self-Assembled Fibrillar Networks, pages 161-192, Dordrecht, 2006. Springer.
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F Rouyer, S Cohen-Addad, R Höhler, P Sollich and S M Fielding. The large amplitude oscillatory strain response of aqueous foam: Strain localization and full stress Fourier spectrum. European Physical Journal E, 27(3):309-321, 2008.
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S M Fielding, M E Cates and P Sollich. Shear banding, aging and noise dynamics in soft glassy materials. Soft Matter, 2009.
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M E Cates and P Sollich. Thermodynamic interpretation of soft glassy rheology models. Physical Review E, 85:031127, 2012.
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Last updated Mon Oct 17 2016
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