A Aloric, P Sollich, P McBurney, T Galla.
Emergence of Cooperative Long-term Market Loyalty in Double Auction Markets.
PLoS ONE, 11(4):e0154606, 2016.
Abstract and full paper
A Ikeda, L Berthier, P Sollich.
Comment on "Constant stress and pressure rheology of colloidal suspensions".
Physical Review Letters, 116:179801, 2016.
Abstract and full paper
S Ganguly, J Horbach, P Sollich, S Karmakar, S Sengupta.
Amorphization of a crystalline solid by plastic deformation.
Submitted for publication.
Abstract and full paper
B Bravi, P Sollich.
Inference for dynamics of continuous variables: the Extended Plefka
Expansion with hidden nodes.
Submitted for publication.
Abstract and full paper
P Sollich.
The de Almeida-Thouless instability: when a 'simple' description of
complexity is not enough.
Journal of Physics A, to appear.
Abstract and full paper
J A Hertz, Y Roudi, P Sollich.
Path integral methods for the dynamics of stochastic and disordered systems.
Submitted for publication.
Abstract and full paper
K J Rubin, P Sollich.
Michaelis-Menten dynamics in protein subnetworks.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 144:174114, 2016.
Abstract and full paper
B Bravi, M Opper, P Sollich.
Inferring hidden states in Langevin dynamics on large networks: average case performance.
Submitted for publication.
Abstract and full paper
Last updated
Mon Oct 17 2016 Contact: Peter Sollich |
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