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N B Wilding, P Sollich, M Buzzacchi. Polydisperse lattice-gas model. Physical Review E 77:011501, 2008.
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P Sollich. Weakly polydisperse systems: Perturbative phase diagrams that include the critical region. Physical Review Letters, 100:035701, 2008.
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R L Jack and P Sollich. Duality between random trap and barrier models. Journal of Physics A, 41:324001, 2008.
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A Annibale and P Sollich. Fluctuation-dissipation relations in critical coarsening: crossover from unmagnetized to magnetized initial states. Journal of Physics A, 41:135001, 2008.
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J Yousafzai, M Ager, Z Cvetkovic and P Sollich. Discriminative and generative machine learning approaches towards robust phoneme classification. In Information Theory and Applications, 2008.
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M Ager, Z Cvetkovic, P Sollich and Bin Yu. Towards robust phoneme classification: Augmentation of PLP models with acoustic waveforms. In Proceedings of European Signal Processing Conference, 2008.
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J Yousafzai, Z Cvetkovic, P Sollich and Bin Yu. Combined PLP-acoustic waveform classification for robust phoneme recognition using Support Vector Machines. In Proceedings of European Signal Processing Conference, 2008.
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F Rouyer, S Cohen-Addad, R Höhler, P Sollich and S M Fielding. The large amplitude oscillatory strain response of aqueous foam: Strain localization and full stress Fourier spectrum. European Physical Journal E, 27(3):309-321, 2008.
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P Sollich, S N Majumdar and A J Bray. Phase Transition in a Random Minima Model: Mean Field Theory and Exact Solution on the Bethe Lattice. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P11011, 2008.
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R L Jack, P Sollich and P Mayer. Subdiffusive motion in kinetically constrained models. Physical Review E, 78:061107, 2008.
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Last updated Mon Oct 17 2016
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