M E Cates and P Sollich.
Tensorial constitutive models for disordered foams, dense emulsions, and
other soft nonergodic materials.
Journal of Rheology, 48:193-207, 2004.
Abstract and full paper
P Mayer and P Sollich.
General solutions for multispin two-time correlation and response
functions in the Glauber-Ising chain.
Journal of Physics A, 37:9-49, 2004.
Abstract and full paper
M Fasolo, P Sollich and A Speranza.
Phase equilibria in polydisperse colloidal systems.
React. Funct. Polym., 58:187-196, 2004.
Abstract and full paper
P Mayer, L Berthier, J P Garrahan, P Sollich.
Reply to Comment on "Fluctuation-dissipation relations in the
non-equilibrium critical dynamics of Ising models".
Physical Review E, 70:018102, 2004.
Abstract and full paper
P Mayer and P Sollich.
Exact non-equilibrium fluctuation dissipation relations
for multi-spin observables in the Glauber-Ising spin chain.
Slow dynamics in complex systems, AIP Conference
Proceedings 708(1):703-704, 2004.
Abstract and full paper
S M Fielding and P Sollich.
Fluctuation-dissipation relations in ageing and driven non-mean
field glass models.
Slow dynamics in complex systems, AIP Conference
Proceedings 708(1):639-642, 2004.
Abstract and full paper
N B Wilding and P Sollich.
Phase equilibria and fractionation in a polydisperse fluid.
Europhysics Letters, 67:219-225, 2004.
Abstract and full paper
H Nishimori and P Sollich.
Error counting in a quantum error-correcting code and the ground-state
energy of a spin glass.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 73(10):2701-2707, 2004.
Abstract and full paper
P Mayer, H Bissig, L Berthier, L Cipelletti, J P Garrahan, P Sollich
and V Trappe.
Heterogeneous Dynamics of Coarsening Systems.
Physical Review Letters, 93:115701, 2004.
Abstract and full paper
M Fasolo and P Sollich.
Fractionation effects in phase equilibria of polydisperse hard sphere
Physical Review E, 70:041410, 2004.
Abstract and full paper
N B Wilding, M Fasolo and P Sollich.
Liquid-gas coexistence and critical point shifts in size-disperse
Journal of Chemical Physics, 121:6887-6899, 2004.
Abstract and full paper
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