vicibus gratis formare loquentes suetus et alterno verum contexere nodo. Claudius Claudianus, 399 AD.
With skill at shaping urbane interchanges
Start-ups of students & colleagues: 3scale (now part of Redhat) |
POTENTIAL PhD STUDENTS: Please see the note at the foot of this page.
Peter McBurney is Professor of Computer Science and former Head of the Department of Informatics in the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences of King's College London. He is a member of the Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) Research Group of the Department. McBurney's primary areas of research are in AI and Computational Finance:
Since 2007, McBurney has been Joint Editor-in-Chief of the refereed AI journal, The Knowledge Engineering Review, published by Cambridge University Press. He is a member of the Academic Advisory Council of the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), a board established in 2018 to provide advice on AI, data analytics and regulatory technology (regtech). During 2018-2020, he was an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Law Futures Centre at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. McBurney is a regular speaker and advisor on Artificial Intelligence, on blockchains & distributed ledgers, and on cryptocurrencies. He has experience working on several blockchain Proofs-of-Concept, including for major financial institutions and commodities trading companies. His research projects include the EPSRC-funded VOLT Project, which aimed to develop
trusted voting systems using distributed ledger technologies for management of shareholder rights and for elections in non-government organizations.
For potential PhD students: I am currently fully loaded with PhD students, and so I am not able to accept any new students.
For potential student interns: I do not have places or funding for student interns.
Office Hours: If you wish to see me, please first make an appointment by email.