Format ==================== 1. pnt-network ------------------- A snowball sampled social graph of Pinterest, crawled in Apr 2013. The graph is divided into two parts: (merging these two files can get the whole graph) 1) pnt-copied-follower.csv The subset of Pinterest network containing links common to both Pinterest and Facebook. 2) pnt-native-follower.csv The subset of pnt-network which contains links only exist in Pinterest. Format: user_id | follower_count | follower_1 | ... | follower_n 2.Fb-network -------------------- The Facebook social graphs of active users. Format: user-1 | user-2 (user-2 is a friend of user-1 in Facebook.) (This data is collected through crawling Facebook pages of user-1.) 3. user-info (pnt-users.csv) --------------------- The basic statistics of users. Format: user_id | board_count | pin_count | like_count | follower_count | following_count 4. repin/like --------------------- Repin/like activities in Pinterest during 03-21 Jan, 2013. Format: user_1 | pin_id | user_2 (user_2 publishes a image with pin_id, and then user_1 repins/likes this image) 5. pins --------------------- The original source (website) of images published during 03-21 Jan, 2013. Format: pin_id | user_id (pinner) | Website