Mohammad Reza Mousavi

Professor of Software Engineering

Department of Informatics

King's College London

Research Interests

  • Model-based testing
    (particularly, testing variability and testing autonomous and cyber-physical systems)
  • Verification
    (particularly, model-checking)
  • Concurrency theory
    (particularly, process algebra and Structural Operational Semantics)

Photo by Maciej Gazda.

Short Bio

Mohammad is a professor of Software Engineering at King's College London. He got his bachelors and masters degree in Computer Engineering and Software Engineering, respectively in 1999 and 2001, from Sharif University of Technology, Iran. Subsequently, he obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands in 2005. Since then he held positions at Reykjavik University (postdoctoral researcher), Eindhoven University of Technology (assistant and associate professor), Delft University of Technology (guest faculty member), Halmstad University (professor of Computer Systems Engineering), Chalmers / University of Gothenburg (guest professor of Software Engineering), and the University of Leicester (professor of Data-Oriented Software Engineering). He has had various leadership positions in his past appointments, such as managing educational programs, leading research teams, and leading research-centre-building initiatives. Mohammad's main research area is in model-based testing, particularly applied to software product lines and cyber-physical systems. He has been leading several research initiatives and industrial collaboration projects on healthcare and automotive systems their validation, verification, and certification.


(From the above-given link you can download most of my publications.)

Selected Publications

Google Scholar. DBLP. ORCID.


We regularly engage with policy-makers and the general public, write policy notes, and organise outreach activities on the theme of Trust in Autonomous Vehicles. Here you can find some examples of our policy and outreach material:

Our research and outreach has been featured on Aljazeera, BBC Radio 4, BBC Leicester Radio, and Discovery Education (for Key Stage 2 Children). We have been actively participating in the TeenTech program, promoting science, technology, and engineering among children.


Conferences / workshops:

I am involved in the following future events, please consider submitting to them:

Some past events where I served as a PC member / chair / invited speaker:

Other service:

(Past) Students and Associates
