Raquel Lopez-Rios De Castro

Raquel Lopez-Rios De Castro

Ph.D. Student (co-supervised with Martin Ulmschneider)

BBSRC London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Progamme (LIDo)

e-mail: raquel[dot]1[dot]lopez-rios_de_castro[at]kcl[dot]ac[dot]uk

twitter: @raquellopezrios

linked-in: link


Raquel graduated from the King’s College London with 1st Class Honours in Physics. During the summer after completing her BSc at King’s, Raquel was awarded a summer bursary from the EPSRC/BBSRC funded Physics of Life network 2 (link) to work within the Lorenz Lab and in collaboration with Martin Ulmschneider‘s group in the Department of Chemistry at King’s College London.

Then, Raquel was awaded a place in the LIDo DTP.  During this programme, Raquel did her second rotation project in the Lorenz Lab and with Martin’s group.  After having a successful rotation, Raquel has chosen to do her PhD in the two groups, and in doing so use both experiment and multi-scale simulations to investigate the use of polymeric nanoparticles to deliver therapeutics to cells.