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Stanislav Kikot

On monotone determinacy of recursive queries by views

A problem of (monotone) determinacy of a relational query by views arises in database theory. Algebraically put, it is about deciding if for any RA with constants a1, ..., ak, the value of a relational term q(a1, ..., ak) is (monotonically) determined by the values of given relational terms v1(a1, ..., ak), ...,vn(a1, ..., ak). A related problem of rewritability over views is to decide if a given relational term t(a1,..., ak) can be expressed as a term t'(v1, ..., vn) for given terms
v1(a1, ..., ak), ..., vn(a1, ..., ak) in a certain RA-signature. For example, given t = a6, it can be expressed as (v1)3 in terms of v1=a2, but it can't be expressed in terms of v2=a5. There is a plethora of results about (monotone) determinacy of relational queries. In my talk I'm going to review them, and also present a few new results on monotone determinacy for recursive queries and views, of which you can think of as terms that, in addition to RA-connectives, may also use the Kleene star.