If your CASTEP job is estimated to be too
large to run with all -points simultaneously, you can
split it into parts. Final files band.out and psi2.[option]
are then compiled together by a special utility sum
(hopefully, it works although it has been long time ago!).
Let us consider this case in detail:
sum [number of subsets]The number of subsets is optional and will be asked if not given. To compile the sum utility you can use any of the param.inc files used to compile any of your CASTEP codes since the number of k-points, NKPTS, does not matter; only the grid size and the number of bands do matter.
The sum-ming can be done automatically by constructing a shell-script. Suppose, we have 5 subsets of the k-points and the corresponding fort.15 files for them are fort.15.1, fort.15.2, ..., fort.15.5, while the corresponding CASTEP codes are castepx.1, castepx.2, ..., castepx.5 (note that some of them may coincide but should have different names anyway; use symbolic link in this case). Then, the following script can be used:
#! /bin/csh -f foreach num (1 2 3 4 5) if( $num == '1' ) then set ext='1' elseif set ext='2' endif /bin/cp fort.15.$num fort.15 castepx.$num > problem.$num if( -e band.out ) mv band.out band.out.$ext if ( -e psi2.DOS ) mv psi2.DOS psi2.DOS.$ext if ( -e psi2.DOp ) mv psi2.DOp psi2.DOp.$ext if ( -e psi2.SRF ) mv psi2.SRF psi2.SRF.$ext if ( -e psi2.MAP ) mv psi2.MAP psi2.MAP.$ext if( $ext == '2') then sum 2 > sum.$num mv band.out band.out.1 if ( -e psi2.DOS ) mv psi2.DOS psi2.DOS.1 if ( -e psi2.DOp ) mv psi2.DOp psi2.DOp.1 if ( -e psi2.SRF ) mv psi2.SRF psi2.SRF.1 if ( -e psi2.MAP ) mv psi2.MAP psi2.MAP.1 if ( -e psi2.DOS.2 ) /bin/rm psi2.DOS.2 if ( -e psi2.DOp.2 ) /bin/rm psi2.DOp.2 if ( -e psi2.MAP.2 ) /bin/rm psi2.MAP.2 if ( -e psi2.SRF.2 ) /bin/rm psi2.SRF.2 endif end # mv band.out.1 band.out if ( -e psi2.DOS.1 ) mv psi2.DOS.1 psi2.DOS if ( -e psi2.DOp.1 ) mv psi2.DOp.1 psi2.DOp if ( -e psi2.SRF.1 ) mv psi2.SRF.1 psi2.SRF if ( -e psi2.MAP.1 ) mv psi2.MAP.1 psi2.MAP