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Installation and general information

The distribution file archive (e.g. tetr_3.93a.tgz) should be untarred and unzipped, e.g.

tar  -xzf  tetr_3.93a.tgz

This command will create a directory (e.g. tetr_3.93a) with the whole code distribution.

The code tetr must be compiled only once by performing the command


in your /TOOLS/TETR directory.

An environmental variable $HOME_TETR must be set to the correct location of the tetr directory, e.g.


for the csh or tcsh shells, or


in the case of the bash shell. To solve this problem once and forever, put the right statement in the .cshrc or .bashrc files, respectively. The statement will be executed automatically (and the variable set) every time an xterm is started or at the login. To force the setting from an existing terminal window, run the source command (e.g. source /.cshrc).

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Lev Kantorovich 2006-05-08