For some applications it is useful to have a tool which could, for
example, subtract one density from the other. This possibility is
provided by option 6 of the main menu (both VASP
and SIESTA are supported!). In fact, if two densities,
are given, it is possible to calculate
a new density on the grid,
, that is their linear combination:
The following menu opens:
....... DENSITIES MANIPULATION MENU .................
... CALCULATE the density from A,B-densities as: ....
final(grid) = 1.000 * A(grid) -1.000 * B(grid)
<<< active code = VASP >>>
1. file name of the A-density = CHGCAR_a
2. file name of the B-density = CHGCAR_b
3. file name of the final density = CHGCAR_ab
4. coefficient c1= 1.00000000000000
5. coefficient c1= -1.00000000000000
6. calculate and write the final density
7. quit
The file names in options 1-3 are initially suggested
by the current DFT code, however, they can be changed in those options.
The coefficients and
are specified in 4 and 5, while
the actual calculation and saving of the density
to the
file is performed in 6. The sum of the density over all grid
points (in units of electrons) is shown after the calculation for
information, e.g.:
6. calculate and write the final density <= DONE
.....> Total charge in CHGCAR = 8.00000219907003 <.....
.....> Total charge in 1 = 8.00000219907003 <.....
.....> Final charge in 2 = 0.00000000000000D+000 <.....
In this example two identical densities were used (both corresponding
to 8 electrons) and
, so that their linear combination
gives zero density.