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A note on calculating volume integrals
In many cases (e.g. when calculating a projected DOS (LDOS), atomic
charges or when analysing the density as to be described in later
sections) real space integrals are calculated numerically. Two methods
are implemented for those which are referred to as ``conserving''
and ``non-conserving'' algorithms:
- the conserving method: provides the correct charge
inside a sphere or a layer, each grid point in the cell is scanned
once and only those grid points contribute which are positioned inside
the volume; when checking whether a grid point is inside the volume,
lattice translations are also applied. As the region of integration
increases (e.g. the radius of a sphere), the integration volume approaches
that of the cell. Still, the integration volume will never exceed
that of the cell. Thus, this method ``conserves'' the volume of
the cell.
- the non-conserving method: a finer grid is constructed
in the region of interest (a sphere or a layer) and the integrals
are calculated by summing up contributions on this finer grid (an
interpolation is used). This method does not give the volume conservation
as the volume increases, howewer, it is more efficient provided the
integration volumes are sufficiently small.
If the size of the cell is large enough with respect to the region
of integration, than both methods should give close results.
The conserving method is extremely demanding and scales linearly with
the size of the system. The non-conserving method scales linearly
with the size of its own grid. However, since this grid is limited
to the size of the integration region, the time of the calculation
does not depend on the size of the system at all, so that this method
is extremely efficient.
In the conserving method the original grid is used with the directions
along the cell basic vectors
. That is why this method
is inappropriate for calculations of the angular momenta projected
DOS for non-simple-cubic cells or for the calculation of the dipole/quadrupole
momenta of a molecule. On the contrary, the non-conserving method
has its own grid which is always cubic (along the Cartesian axes)
so that it has the atomic symmetry and is ideal for these calculations.
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Previous: A note on calculating
Lev Kantorovich