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A short note on advanced options

Instead of using the automatic option Au, it is actually possible to do everything manually, going through each of the representations and every vector (symmetry adapted coordinate) one by one. Do do this, instead of choosing Au, use the shown number of the representations, 1 or 4 in our example. Suppose, we choose 1, then the menu will change into this:


MOLECULE: lattice translations IGNORED

========= CHOOSE an OPTION:

Fx. Specify which orbits to fix

    Currently transl/rot constrains ARE applied!

Ir. Collect info about symmetry adapted vectors <- Done

--- A c t i o n s w i t h A c t i v e I r r e p -----

1. irrep (A1 ) is 1D; # of vectors = 2 <=== now active

4. irrep (B2 ) is 1D; # of vectors = 1

Vn. Pair of vectors to be activated: <= undefined

Go. Show symmetry adapted coordinates (before constr.)

Sa. Show final symmetry adapted displacements

Sw. Write final symmetry adapted displacements to W_1.mat

Gw. Write G-matrix for eigenvalue problem to G_1.mat

Vs. Write <> movie file for each displacement

---------- A u t o m a t i c o p t i o n ------

Au. Generate: input_for.tetr + directories + scripts

------- G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n ------

Co. Show general geometry information about orbits

Or. Show detailed information about given orbit

Sy. Show the point symmetry group info

Cn. Show translational-rotational constraints:

    Current number of conditions = 6

-------- G e n e r a l S e t t i n g s --------

Am. Atomic masses for every species:

15.99940 [ O] 1.00797 [ H]

XY. Format of <> file is for Xmol

Da. Distortion amplitude: 0.01000

Nd. Number of displacements (for [Au] only): 2

Hs. H atoms to be added to <> file: NO

Q. Proceed/Quit

-----> Choose an appropriate option:

Some new options appear that correspond to the ``active'' representation which is 1 in the case above. These are:

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Lev Kantorovich 2006-05-08