Brian Maher

PhD Student, 3rd Year

Local Search Methods for Protein Structure Prediction

I'm a first year EPSRC funded PhD student in the Department of Informatics at King's College London. Prior to this, I studied BSc Computer Science and MSc Bioinformatics, both also at King's. I am supervised by Dr Kathleen Steinhofel and Prof. Colin Cooper.

My main area of research is local search methods for protein structure prediction. Specifically, we have been invesigating the use of the Firefly algorithm for protein structure prediction on lattice models.

I have previously worked on image segmentation methods, and extracting features from noisy images. This work was completed in collaboration with the Digipal project at the Department of Digital Humaties, King's College London. The resulting technical report, TR-13-02, is available here.

My teaching responsibilities include:

  • Foundations of Computing II - Teaching Assistant (2013/14/15)
  • Data Structures and their implementation in C++ - Lab Demonstrator (2013/14/15)

Personal webpage


brian.maher [at]