for s : Si satisfying SCond
do Succ
can be implemented by a single iteration over Si provided that each application of Succ reduces the set of Si instances that match the application conditions of the rule.
One test for this situation is that for any s' : Si created/modified in Succ, the initialised/modified data of s' does not satisfy SCond.
An example is the `repotting geraniums' example of (Rensink et al, 2009):
for p : Pot; v satisfying
p.broken = true and
v = p.plants->select( flowering = true ) and v /= Set{}
create p1 : Pot satisfying p1.plants = v
For every broken pot p that contains some flowering plant, a new (unbroken) pot p' is created and the flowering plants of the broken pot are transferred to the new pot.
Even though new pots are created by applications of the rule, the number of pots satisfying the application condition (the antecedent of the rule) is reduced by each application. p1.broken = false follows from the succedent.
In UML-RSDS the pattern is an inbuilt implementation facility. Rules can be marked for optimisation by this pattern by using pre-state versions of the entities and features involved on the LHS of the rule, e.g.:
for p : Pot@pre; v satisfying
p.broken@pre = true and
v = p.plants@pre->select( flowering = true ) and v /= Set{ }
create p1 : Pot satisfying p1.plants = v
for the above example, where f@pre is the value of the entity type or feature f at the start of execution of the transformation rule. This indicates that the rule does not write any data that it also reads (Pot, plants and broken are written, but only the pre-state versions of these features are read), so that a bounded iteration can be automatically selected for implementation of the rule.
(Rensink et al., 2009) A. Rensink, J-H. Kuperus, Repotting the Geraniums: on nested graph transformation rules, proceedings of GT-VMT 2009, Electronic communications of the EASST vol 18, 2009,