5CCS2OSD: Object-oriented Specification and Design

The lecture notes and slides for this course are in this directory.

Lectures are on Thursdays 11-13 in the B5 lecture theatre, FWB, tutorials are from 1-2 on Thursdays in the theatre, they start in the first week of October.

The coursework is here. Teams of 5 or 6 students will be allocated randomly, the team lists are on Keats. The coursework deadline is 30th November, provisional marks will be released in the first week of January 2018.


Separate slides for Part 1: here.

Separate slides for Part 2: here.

Separate slides for Part 3: here.

Separate slides for Part 4: here.

Separate slides for Part 5: here.


The following is the core textbook for the course, an alternative is this textbook.

A useful book for UML is "UML Distilled" by M. Fowler, but make sure you get a copy for Version 2.0 (or later) of UML, not version 1.3, version 1.4, or other earlier versions.


  1. First tutorial and solution.
  2. Second tutorial and solution.
  3. Third tutorial and solution.
  4. Fourth tutorial and solution.
  5. 5th tutorial and solution
  6. 6th tutorial and solution
  7. 7th tutorial and solution


The exams will have 3 questions to answer from 4. A question will typically contain parts which require knowledge of definitions, eg, "What is meant by Agile development?", counting in total up to 50% of a question, and parts requiring practical application of knowledge and techniques, similar to the tutorial and coursework problems.

The following topics will be examined:

Past exams

The January 2010 exam and solutions are here. and here. The January 2011 exam and solutions are here. and here. The January 2012 exam and solutions are here.

Please note that agile development is a new topic, replacing web development as part 5 of the course in 2013/14.

The January 2015 exam is here. Solutions: here.

The August 2015 exam is here. Solutions: here.

Links to related information