UK-Japan Winter School

Geometry and Analysis Towards Quantum Theory

University of Durham, 6-9 January 2004


Here are some pictures that were taken by Reiko Miyaoka during the dinner in the Indian restaurant on the last evening of the Winter School:

1: Willmore
2: Eells
3: Miyaoka, Atiyah, Mrs Eells
4: Bolton, Maeda, Gross
5: Omori, Futaki, Moriyoshi
6: Bolton, Maeda
7: Veselov, Miyaoka
8: Atiyah, Mrs Eells
9: Willmore, Eells, Ito
10: Hattori, Atiyah, Mrs Eells
11: Piazza, Willmore
12: Eells, Ito
13: Group photo
14: Group photo

And here are some pictures of participants during their lectures:

1: Mikami
2: Sato
3: Rawnsley
4: Gross
5: Ikeda
6: Natsui
7: Salamon
8: Hattori
9: Atiyah
10: Atiyah

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Last update: 21 January 2004