LMS/EPSRC Short Instructional Course


University of Durham, 16-20 September 2002



The notion of continuity of real valued functions of a real variable generalizes in a straightforward way to continuity of functions between metric spaces. Differentiability is much harder to generalize because it makes essential use of the underlying linear structure of Euclidean space. Indeed, one must first introduce a class of topological spaces (called manifolds) which, near every point, look like a ball in Euclidean space. A manifold structure not only allows us to define the notion of a differentiable function but also the geometric notions of a tangent space, vector field and integral curves. These topics will form the content of the first lecture.

In the second lecture we will introduce differential forms which are the objects that can be integrated over manifolds. The key results here are Stokes's Theorem and de Rham's Theorem which provide a fundamental link between the homology of a manifold (an algebraic topological property) and the calculus of differential forms. There will be no time for full proofs.

The remaining lectures will be devoted to the introduction of basic geometric ideas like parallel transport and the curvature associated to it, Riemannian manifolds in which one can measure lengths of curves and angles and the geometry of submanifolds. Basic notions of symplectic, complex and Kahler manifolds will also be discussed. Particular attention will be paid to examples including the sphere, hyperbolic ball and complex projective space which will provide a link with the course on Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces. Differential Geometry is a highly computational subject and students will be encouraged to compute curvature tensors and other geometric quantities.

The material in this course is essential for anyone working in the many areas of geometry and topology, including algebraic geometry. It is also essential for anyone working in any branch of theoretical physics (e.g. general relativity, string theory, gauge theory) which is concerned with a geometric formulation of the fundamental forces of nature.

Students will be expected to have some knowledge of the following topics, although an opportunity for their review will be provided on the first day of the Short Course:
  • implicit and inverse function theorems;
  • dual vector spaces and theory of symmetric bilinear forms;
  • basic point-set topology, including quotient topology;
  • fundamental group;
  • existence and uniqueness of solutions to ordinary differential equations, smooth dependence on initial conditions.

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