LMS/EPSRC Short Instructional Course


University of Durham, 16-20 September 2002


This Short Instructional Course is funded by the London Mathematical Society (LMS) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The funding for UK-based and overseas students will be different:

UK-based students: The cost of full-board accommodation in Durham will be paid from conference funds (although there is an upper limit on the number of students we can support in this way). However, each participant will be required to pay a registration fee of 60 GBP (British Pounds), and no conference funds are available for travel. EPSRC-funded students can expect that their registration fees and travel costs will be met by their departments from the EPSRC Resarch Training and Support Grant (RTSG) or the EPSRC Doctoral Training Account (DTA) that is paid to universities with each studentship award. The LMS will pay the registration fee, but not the travel expenses, of students who will be starting an EPSRC-funded postgraduate course in October 2002.

Overseas students: The cost of full-board accommodation in Durham must be paid in full. This comes to 225 GBP for those arriving on Sunday 15th and departing Saturday 21st September. In addition, each participant will be required to pay a registration fee of 60 GBP. No conference funds are available for travel. The London Mathematical Society will provide four bursaries for non-UK-based research students. These bursaries will cover subsistence and accommodation in Durham. If you wish to apply for such a bursary you should (additonally to submitting the registration form to the London Mathematical Society) send a short (one page at most!) description of your subject, research experience and plans and arrange for your research supervisor to provide a letter of reference. They should be both sent to

Dr. John Bolton
University of Durham
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Science Laboratories
South Road
Durham DH1 3LE

Alternatively, they can be sent by email to john.bolton@durham.ac.uk. All documentation must arrive before the closing date of 5 July 2002. Candidates will be notified on the success of their application in mid-July.

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Last update: 3 April 2002