Exams, Results & Resit Information

Exams can take place across 3 examination periods including in January, April/May/June and August/September.
To date, the current exam periods for each college are:

KCL Physics
• Semester 1 modules will be examined between Friday 5 January – Thursday 11 January 2024
• Semester 2 modules will be examined between Monday 29 April – Friday 31 May 2024
• Summer resits/replacement exams be examined between Monday 5 August – Friday 16 August 2024

KCL Maths
• Semester 1 modules will be examined between Friday 5 January – Thursday 11 January 2024
• Semester 2 modules will be examined between Monday 29 April – Friday 31 May 2024
• Summer resits/replacement exams be examined between Monday 5 August – Friday 16 August 2024

• Semester A and B Modules will be examined in the Summer Term assessments period (Tuesday 30th April 2024-Friday 31st May 2024)
• Summer resits/replacement exams: TBC (Resits period dates are normally available in December)

Assessment policies concerning resit examinations may vary across the Colleges, please ensure you are aware of all assessment policies across the colleges and how it pertains to your programme of study.

EXAM TIMETABLES You will be informed of your exam timetable by all of the colleges you are registered at. Only modules run by your Home Institution will appear on your home timetable.

If you require Special Exam Arrangements (extra time etc), you must apply via your Home Institution, who will ensure that your arrangements are in place at each College.

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