Important dates
The Multilingual Workshop on AI & Law Research intends to reach out to non-English speaking communities worldwide, in particular Spanish and Portuguese, to present and discuss on-going research on the main following topics, but not limited to, both from a theoretical and practical point of view:
- Legal tech applications, e.g. applications of AI and automated reasoning in law
- Legal data science applications, also in a multilingual environment
- Advanced legal search engines and legal information systems
- Advanced applications in e-justice, e-government, e-commerce, smart cities and e-democracy
- Legal knowledge systems and formal models of legal systems (logic applied to legal reasoning, formal models of probability etc.)
- Discovery of electronically stored legal information (e-discovery)
- Machine learning and data mining for legal applications
- Computational study of legal reasoning and argumentation
- “High-volume” applications of rule-based systems
We invite researchers to submit their original papers (drafts 4-10 pages, final papers: 10 pages, 300 words) and extended English abstracts (2 pages, 600 words) on these themes. The submission language can be Spanish, Portuguese, German, and English. Other languages e.g. Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, Russian, Hindi etc. are admissible subject to a sufficient numbers of submissions and a panel organiser fluent in this language and English. In any case, a submission must also be supplemented with an extended English abstract. In case of acceptance, both the paper and the extended English abstract will be included in the workshop materials. The presentation can be given in the chosen language but presentation materials, in particular slides, have to be available in English in order to allow the English speaking community to get a good understanding of the research results. Pre-prepared audios and videos in English are also helpful. Summary interpretation will be available for all sessions.
Prof. Dr. Fernando Galindo, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Prof. Dr. Dr. Erich Schweighofer, University of Vienna, Austria
Prof. Dr. Cesar A. Serbena, Federal University of Parana, Brazil
30 April 2017: Submission of draft papers (at least 4 pages) and extended abstracts in English (2 pages)
10 May 2017: Notification of acceptance
14 May 2017: end of early registration ICAIL2017
31 May 2017: Submission of final version of paper
12 June 2017, London, England, UK, King’s College: Workshop
Submission of Abstracts
Conference system Easychair:
Requests and Information
Erich Schweighofer,
Cesar Serbena,
Fernando Galindo