There is a deep connection between the topological defects that arise in
diverse models of mathematical physics and recent generalisations of
symmetry. In this short meeting we want to bring together researches
working with higher categorical structures and those whose research
involves defects and generalised symmetries in quantum field theories or
lattice models, in order to present new results and explore new connections.
Principal speakers
Ilka Brunner (LMU Munich)
Matt Buican (QMUL)
Paul Fendley (Univ. of Oxford)
David Jordan (Univ. of Edinburgh)
Sakura Schäfer-Nameki (Univ. of Oxford)
There will also be talks by participants.
We have a small number of shorter slots available for young researchers to give a talk and there will also be an opportunity to display posters during coffee breaks and the lunch break.
If you are interested in either of these, please contact one of the organisers by 12th 15th of May.