Defects in topological and conformal field theory

King's College London
27 - 28 June 2019

Defects are important tools in our understanding of quantum field theories. In this short meeting we want to bring together experts whose research involves QFTs with defects and boundaries. The focus is on topics with a connection to two-dimensional conformal quantum field theory and to topological quantum field theories, since for these two classes of theories a precise mathematical underpinning exists.


Principal speakers
  • Christopher Beem (Univ. of Oxford)
  • Nils Carqueville (Univ. of Vienna)
  • André Henriques (Univ. of Oxford)
  • Anatoly Konechny (Heriot-Watt University)
  • Catherine Meusburger (Univ. Erlangen)
There will also be shorter talks by the following speakers
  • Jonathan Belletête
  • Jacques Distler
  • Marco Meineri
  • Lukas Müller
  • Christian Northe
  • Ronnie Rodgers
  • Jonathan Schulz
  • Ce Shen
  • Lukas Woike



Abstracts and slides




Organisers: Ingo Runkel and Gerard Watts.
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Supported by a conference grant from the London Mathematical Society;
Supported by the Mathematical and Theoretical Physics group of the IoP.