Eugene A. Lim, Professor of Theoretical Physics

yes I do play a scientist in real life
Welcome to my old-school html-wrangling webpage.

My officious, prettier but more out-dated KCL page is here.

Research Interests

I am primarily interested in theoretical cosmology. My current research is focused on the use of numerical relativity techniques to probe strong gravity phenomena in cosmology and other aspects of theoretical physics. I am one of the original developer and founding member of the GRCHOMBO collaboration (much sleeker website I promise you).

Before this, I have worked on a broad array of topics, which in rough chronological order are : Initial conditions of primordial perturbations, Lorentz Violation in Cosmology, gravitational waves from the end of inflation, primordial non-Gaussianities, Minkowski Functionals as probe of the large scale structure, higher order non-Gaussianities in the Cosmic Microwave Background, weak lensing of large scale structure, relativistic collisions of bubbles and solitons, and quantum information of cosmology.

I am presently funded by Leverhulme Trust. Previously I was funded by STFC and FQXi. Computational resources are funded by PRACE and DiRAC.

A Short Academic Bio

I graduated from the University of Chicago with a PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics, with Sean Carroll as my advisor. I did postdocs at Yale University and Columbia University, before taking up a lectureship at Cambridge DAMTP and a fellowship at King's College Cambridge. I joined King's College London in 2012. Since Columbia University was formerly known as King's College, I moved from King's College to King's College to King's College in succession, although they were all different Kings. I was born in Penang, Malaysia -- which I highly encourage you to visit.

Here is my CV, I was told to keep this up to date by people more successful than I am.

A Selection of Links


Teaching and Lecture Notes:

  • Cambridge Math Tripos IB Quantum Mechanics
  • KCL 5CCP2332 Symmetry in Physics
  • KCL 6CCP3630 General Relativity
  • KCL 6CCP3212 Statistical Mechanics
  • Cambridge Math Tripos Part III Advanced Cosmology : Primordial
  • Thermal Physics (Kinetic Theory of Gas Section)
  • 3rd year Project (2017-18)
  • My Research Group Members:

  • Dr Nicole Righi (Postdoc)
  • Ge Bo Xuan (PhD)
  • Liina Chung-Jukko (PhD, with Dr Doddy Marsh)
  • Panos Giannadakis (PhD)
  • Claire Rigouzzo (PhD) (with Dr Francisco Rodriguez-Fortuno)
  • Former Members:

  • Eloy de Jong (PhD 2024, Working in Data Science)
  • Matthew Elley (PhD 2023, Postdoc at University of the Basque Country)
  • Wei Ning Deng (Visiting Masters student from National University of Taiwan) (Now doing a PhD at Cambridge University)
  • Oliver Denton-Turner (PhD 2021, UK Civil Service)
  • Josu Aurrekoetxea (PhD 2021, Beecroft Fellow and Junior Reseerch Fellow at Queen's College, Oxford)
  • James Widdicoombe (PhD 2019, Working in Data Science)
  • Thomas Helfer (PhD 2019, Postdoc at John Hopkins University)
  • Katy Clough (PhD 2016, Rutherford Fellow and Proleptic Lecturer at QMUL)
  • Simon Su (PhD 2014, Working in finance)
  • Tai-jun Chen (PhD 2014, Senior Lecturer at Xiantong-Liverpool University)
  • How to apply for a PhD (for Undergraduates) event 2021 at KCL:

    My talk (with some input from Prof Chris Lorenz) is here. The UKCISA guidance on Home/International Fee status is here.


    Office: S7.20
    Address: Department of Physics
    King's College London, The Strand, WC2R 2LS
    Social Media: