Talk on conformal field theory from
conformal loop ensembles, and other research interests
presented for King's Lectureship position
page of Dr. Benjamin Doyon
My general
research interest is in two-dimensional quantum field theory
and its applications, but I'll only tell you about a part of my recent
works, that has to do with conformal field theory and a very new
probabilistic approach to it.
The first thing
I'd like to tell you about is my point of view on
quantum field theory. The basic idea is that quantum field theory is in
fact a theory for certain kinds of emergent behaviours. I will
illustrate this with the classical Ising model on a lattice; let's say
on an hexagonal lattice, like is shown here. The measure is simply an
exponential of a sum of products of neighbouring spins. It is
homogeneous, everywhere it looks the same except perhaps on the
boundary sites where I simply fix the spins, and it is local, as it
factorises into a product of factors associated to small regions --
here two neighbouring sites. In the picture, the edges in red are those
where the energy is lowest, where the spins on both sides are opposite.
Note that these edges necessarily form loops.
At small
temperatures, the spins all tend to align; at large
temperatures, they tend to be randomly distributed. And since the
measure factorises in a local way as I said, there should be very
little correlations between fluctuations of spins that are separated by
a large distance. In fact, these correlations usually vanish
exponentially. However, at the critical temperature that separates the
large and small temperature regions, something special happens. Spins
want to align, so they form large aligned regions, yet the average is
still zero, so these large regions themselves fluctuate to an average
moment of zero. Hence, there will be correlations at large
distances thanks to these fluctuating large regions. Also, any small
local magnetic field will influence a large region of spins -- the
system is very sensitive to external disturbances. It is critical.
These large-distance correlations are emergent correlations, the result
of many spins acting together but only through local interactions.
Since they imply a large number of local interactions, a lot of the
details of these interactions is lost, and the result is universal.
Quantum field
theory is a construction that describes these emergent
correlations. Mathematically, it provides the asymptotics of
expectations of products of local variables as the critical point is
approached, and at the same time as the observation distance is made
larger. Like is shown in this formula. Here, alpha is a parameter that
tells us how fast we approach the critical point -- it is essentially
an RG parameter, with alpha=0 being the UV fixed point. As compared to
usual concepts of QFT, it is the process of approaching the critical
point that is a regularisation-renormalisation procedure. What we are
doing is looking at the lattice from further and further away, while
approaching the critical point so that correlations are present at
larger and larger distances. Correlations still vanish in this limit,
albeit not exponentially, only with a power law. Correlation functions
of QFT give the coefficients of these vanishing behaviours. These
coefficients, when seen as functions of the points upon which they
depend, here x and y, also contain in their functional form the
exponent of the power-law vanishing, here 1/4. Hence, they contain all
the information about how the correlations behave at large distances --
the emergent correlations. Here, the 1/4 exponent is characteristic of
the spin variables in the Ising model, and the fact that the critical
point beta-c is approached with a quantity proportional to the small
parameter epsilon is also characteristic of the Ising model; there
could be a non-trivial exponent involved here too.
Something similar
happens for quantum systems, where we may have
quantum critical points. There, it's not the temperature, but the
quantum world that provides the fluctuations. A critical point is
obtained by asjusting an internal parameter of the model, to a value
that separates regions where the ground states are very different.
It may seem a
priori that quantum field theory only describes a small,
very particular aspect of statistical systems (or quantum systems). I
have three things to recall in reply: first, the only situations where
fluctuating many-body systems with local interactions show non-trivial
large-distance correlations are near critical points, described by
quantum field theory. Second, what is described is universal, so valid
for many microscopic models. Finally, these are emergent behaviours,
and are at the source of many of the important phenomena of theoretical
physics -- for instance, the famous Kondo effect. Note also that armed
with the viewpoint of emergent correlations and behaviours, one may
wonder how far QFT ideas can reach: other complex systems? turbulence?
The basic
ingredients of quantum field theory are local fields, in
correspondence with local variables of the microscopic model, and
correlation functions, describing the asymptotics of expectations of
their products. But, after all, there is something more than just
correlations at large distances. Indeed, there are large fluctuating
objects leading to these correlations. These large objects should be
seen as new objects emerging from the microscopic model, with their
own, emerging probability measure. What are these objects? What is
their measure theory? Clearly, understanding this would provide a
better picture of the universal scaling limit than just looking at
correlation functions. Then, once we have the emergent measure theory,
how do we reproduce local fields and correlation functions from it? In
the other direction, how do we prove that microscopic models lead to it
in the scaling limit? These are the four questions that are at the
source of some of my present research.
Some answers or
partial answers are available, when we look at recent
and not-so-recent developments in the context of these questions. In
order to put things in context, I think it's nice to discuss the
quantum case before going to the case of classical statistics. In many
quantum situations, we know what the emergent objects are: the quantum
particles corresponding to "modes" of oscillations, or the
quasi-particles. These are the things we're interested in when taking
relativistic quantum field theory as a theory for relativistic quantum
particles. Then, their "measure theory" is given by the scattering
matrix. From that, we may re-construct local field-operators on the
Hilbert space, and correlation functions are quantum averages. In
integrable quantum field theory, the factorisable scattering theory
goes a long way in this direction -- this is the basis for my 2dQFT
course. However, the last question is still unanswered: there is no
known proof, for any non-trivial model, that these structures emerge
from underlying quantum models.
In the case of
thermal fluctuations, advances are much more recent, but
very exciting. First, there is evidence that the correct emergent
objects, in a large class of universal behaviours, are the domain
walls, the red loops in the previous drawings. Indeed, at least at the
critical point (alpha equals 0), they have a proper measure theory,
recently developed by Sheffield and Werner, conformal loop ensembles.
There is still little known about how to reproduce local fields and
correlation functions from these fluctuating objects, but my recent
work made encouraging progress. Finally, and importantly, there are
proofs by Stan Smirnov, in special cases, that conformal loop ensemble
indeed emerges from microscopic models at criticality. Note that if we
succeed in reconstructing the quantum field theory structure from
conformal loop ensembles, this would provide the first ever non-trivial
quantum field theory construction from microscopic models. This is the
more immediate goal of some of my research, which I may call
"constructive CFT"
So, let me now
describe in more detail the work I did in this
direction. I will tell you in turn about conformal loop ensemble,
conformal field theory, and how I connected them. Conformal loop
ensemble is a family of measures on sets of disjoint, self-avoiding
simple loops lying in simply connected domains. Here is a drawing of a
configuration. There are three axioms that define conformal loop
ensemble, which I'll tell you just now; there is a unique,
one-parameter family of solutions to these axioms (this parameter is
essentially the central charge of the corresponding conformal field
theory, between 0 and 1). The axioms are as follows.
First, we require
conformal invariance: the measure is invariant upon
conformal transformations that preserve the domain, and the measures on
different domains are obtained from each other by conformal transport.
Note that it is not a very strong axiom: for a given domain, there are
few conformal transformations that preserve it, so few constraints on
the measure, and for other domains, it can be seen as only a
definition. But as seen from the viewpoint of the scaling limit, it is
hard to prove from statistical models.
Second, suppose
we "fix" one of the loops, and look at what there is
inside it. Then, the measure on these inside loops is exactly the CLE
measure on the domain delimited by the fixed loop. This is very natural
from the viewpoint of statistical models: a loop is a place where spins
are opposite, so we know that all spins are the same along the loop
inside it, hence it is like a "fixed-spin" boundary.
Third, there is
something similar that we can say about the outside of
the loop, although we have to be more careful because CLE is not
defined on multiply connected domains. The proper way is to say that if
we draw a line and look at the domain bounded by this line and by all
loops that cross it, like in the drawing here, the measure for the
loops in that domain is a CLE measure on that domain.
These are the
three main axioms for conformal loop ensembles as
developed very recently by Sheffield and Werner.
Conformal field
theory, on the other hand, is a widely developed
subject. I'll tell you only about its most important structures. The
first thing is, again, conformal invariance, or rather conformal
covariance. It is expressed through local fields, and it is not as neat
as conformal invariance of CLE. It says that there is a map in the
space of local fields such that conformal transformations of the domain
of definition and the positions of the fields is equivalent to this
map. We usually assume that there are fields, called primary fields,
that transform in the simplest way possible, as shown here. They are
characterised by two real numbers, h and h-tilda, whose sum is the
scaling dimension of the field, and whose difference is the spin.
Again, this is not a very strong requirement by itself, and not
immediately indicative of the supposed infinitely many conformal
symmetries of CFT. But by basic principles of quantum field theory, in
particular the Noether theorem, this implies that there exists a field,
called the stress-energy tensor (rather, this is the holomorphic
component of it, but I'll continue with the abuse of language), which
has certain analytic properties. Essentially, its poles, at positions
of other local fields, talk about how these other local fields
transform. For instance, in the case of primary fields, this is what we
obtain. That is, we know all of its singularity structure inside the
domain D. This is the true statement of the infinite "symmetries" of
CFT. By calculations in particular models, and by analysis of the
algebra of its modes, we find that it transforms almost like a
dimension-2, spin-2 primary field, except for a conformal anomaly, a
term proportional to the Schwarz derivative. The proportionality
constant is the central charge of the underlying Virasoro algebra of
the modes. This anomaly tells us that the infinite conformal symmetry
is "quantum mechanically broken". It is important to note that for any
given domain, there aren't infinitely many symmetries, even broken.
It's more when we look at many possible domains, and the true statement
is in the analytic structure of the stress-energy tensor.
This structure,
along with locality of the operator product expansions,
and along with other internal symmetry currents when they are present,
is at the basis of the algebraic formulation of conformal field theory
-- vertex operator algebras and their modules. This is a very powerful
formulation, with many non-trivial dimensions and correlation functions
deducted from algebraic properties.
It's the
stress-energy tensor, with these main properties, that I
managed to construct in the context of CLE, where we don't have a
priori the QFT principles, like Noether theorem, quantum mechanics, and
the concept of symmetry generators.
I told you about
the singularity structure of the stress-energy tensor.
But can we determine exactly the correlation function? If the
correlation function is on the Riemann sphere, this is enough to fully
determine the function of w, so indeed yes. If its on an open set, and
we know the boundary conditions, then this is also enough. It turns out
that on the upper half plane, there is a physical condition found by
Cardy that tells us about these boundary conditions. Hence, by
conformal transport, we can in principle determine the exact w
dependence in any simply connected domain. Recently I found a way of
writing this in complete generality, using a certain type of Hadamard
differentiability is something that generalises the concepts
of differentiability in many-variable calculus to cases of infinite
dimensionality. I studied the particular case where we look at
derivatives in directions of small conformal transformations; the
tangent space is a space of holomorphic functions on a domain A. In
this case the derivative can be written as an integral along the
boundary of A of the holomorphic function, times a function which can
be seen as the Hadamard derivative (an element of the cotangent space).
This function is not unique, but in certain situations, we can choose
it to be holomorphic outside A -- I call it the holomorphic
Suppose now the
space on which our function lives is a space of
transformations that are conformal on the points z_i where the local
fields are, and on the boundary of the domain D of our conformal field
theory. Suppose we choose the domain A to be the Riemann sphere minus a
neighbourhood of the point w where the stress-energy tensor is. Then
let me define a "relative partition function", a ratio of partition
functions on various domains, the domain D and involving some arbitrary
domain B inside D. Then the full correlation function with the
stress-energy tensor is a conformal derivative of a product of the
relative partition function times the correlation function without the
stress-energy tensor. This, it turns out, reproduces the correct
singularity structure in w, and the correct boundary conditions; in
particular, the correct one-point function of the stress-energy tensor.
In fact, naturally, this should hold as well on multiply-connected
It is this
formula that is reproduced in conformal loop ensembles, and
that allows me to identify the stress-energy tensor.
Some of my
results are as follows. I define a "renormalised" random
variable that is essentially the indicator function of the event that
no CLE loop intersect a given domain boundary -- that this domain is,
in a way, separated from the rest, like in this picture. This event has
zero measure, because in CLE there are infinitely many loops around
every point almost surely. That's why I need to renormalise it, in a
prescribed way which I will not talk about. From this renormalised
random variable, I can construct the stress-energy tensor. It is
obtained by choosing an ellipse for the domain boundary, by taking the
second Fourier transform in the angle the ellipse makes with a fixed
axis, and by taking the limit where the ellipse is very small, like in
this formula. The fact that its an elliptical domain that's we choose
related to the fact that the stress-energy tensor is L_{-2} on the
identity, in operatorial language. I can also construct the relative
partition function: just by naive arguments, it is a ratio of
expectations of the renormalised random variable associated to the
boundary of the domain D. Then, I prove basically two things: that we
obtain the Ward identities and boundary conditions, in the form of the
formula involving the conformal derivative; and that the stress-energy
tensor transforms correctly, in particular with the Schwarz derivative.
I also prove, under certain uniformity conditions, that any object that
is "local" with respect to the loops and transforms like the
stress-energy tensor, also gives rise to the correct Ward identies and
boundary conditions -- it is the stress-energy tensor. This is a
principle of universality -- it is useful to allow us to make a closer
connection between CFT and underlying statistical models.
So, what I have
found is that a local random variable in CLE can be
interpreted as the stress-energy tensor; essentially, from this we can
recover the QFT structure associated to local conformal invariance from
CLE. Indeed, in a next step, I want to derive from this the full
Virasoro vertex operator algebra. This construction also gives an
interpretation of the central charge beyond the notion of quantum
symmetries. Indeed, it arises because of the necessity of renormalising
the random variable I told you about. Hence, it comes from the infinity
of small loops -- it is essentially a density of small loops, with
respect to scale. That it be related to the central extension of the
Virasoro algebra can be seen by considering that a negative Virasoro
mode "takes away" some space, that is put back with a positive Virasoro
mode. The result is that some loops are lost, and this gives rise to
the central extension.
Thank to the
clear physical meaning of the stress-energy tensor in
terms of particles, this construction also should provide a better
connection between the quantum emergent objects, and the statistical
emergent objects -- essentially, the curves are related to particle
Also, it is this
construction that led me to study conformal Hadamard
derivatives in relation to CFT; another avenue that is to be explored
is how much we can develop in this direction, independently of CLE.
I'd like to
finish by mentionning other areas that I have worked on
with many collaborators. Recently I studied the entanglement entropy in
extended quantum systems, both in the integrable context, and for
general 1+1-dimensional quantum field theory. We obtained quite
universal low-energy asymptotic results, and I showed that these
results were valid for any 1+1-dimensional massive model. I also worked
on quantum impurities in steady states out of equilibrium, where we
studied electric currents in quantum dots and found general existence
results and calculation techniques. I also worked on vertex operator
algebras, developing twisted modules, as well as construction
techniques which I think will be useful in relating CLE to vertex
operator algebras. Then I studied correlation functions in integrable
QFT in various situations: finite temperature, non-zero curvature. I
focussed on the form factor techniques, extending the known concepts to
these situations. Finally I'm also quite interested in the connection
between correlation of twist fields in massive free-fermion models and
classical integrability.