to integrable quantum field theory
Dr. Benjamin
This is a short
series of lectures on integrable quantum field theory in
the Hilary term of 2006 (Oxford University). Integrable quantum
theory is a wide subject with applications, for instance, to condensed
physics and statistical physics, and with many
connections to diverse areas of mathematics. It offers the unique
opportunity to probe the properties of quantum field theory, both as a
theory of
relativistic particles and as a scaling limit of quantum chains and
classical lattice systems, in a much deeper way than what can be done
from standard methods. Knowing some of integrable quantum field theory
also provides many useful tools for theoretical physicists,
and gives a wider understanding of objects of interest to
I encourage both
theoretical physicists and mathematicians interested in
quantum field theory in general to attend the lectures.
I will aim my lectures at graduate students, so I will assume
essentially a physics first-year (or first-half-year) level of
knowledge of
quantum field theory. I will try to
introduce all of the main concepts
and ideas of the subject, so it can be also of interest to postdocs
and faculties. Depending on the interest, I will point to
physical applications and to interesting mathematical structure
involved, and may develop some of these.
I will give 5 lectures (possibly extendable to 6) on a weekly basis,
starting week 3, Friday 11am, in the Ficher Room (DWB).
Lecture notes (.pdf)
and approximate plan (.pdf):
In these lectures, I will decribe the basic concepts of integrable
quantum field theory. The subject of integrability is very old, and
many approaches have been developed to study integrable models of many
kinds. I will focus on a small, yet important, subset of models and
approaches: (2-dimensional) integrable models of quantum field
theory (QFT), and the approach that relies on principles of QFT. Models
of QFT have the advantage, over classical statistical models on
lattices or quantum chains, of describing the universal physics near
second-order (classical or quantum) phase transitions. The QFT
approach, on the other hand, has the advantage of clarifying the
structure of QFT in general and of providing tests for some of its
principles. Moreover, QFT is notorious for eluding rigorous
mathematical studies, except for free models and conformal field theory
(CFT). Models of integrable QFT offer a rare opportunity for more
precise and self-consistent descriptions.
- (1 lecture) I will start by recalling the main roles
of general
QFT (although I
will mainly stay in 1+1 dimensions for simplicity) as a theory for the
scaling limit of certain statistical or quantum models and as a theory
of relativistic particles. I will describe (or recall) the associated basic concepts
that provide a “bigger picture” and that are important
in integrable QFT:
- in the “on-shell” description, the asymptotic
states (forming a Hilbert space) and the scattering matrix;
- in the “off-shell” description, the local fields
and the operator product expansion (giving the operator algebra);
- the main objects of QFT, the correlation
functions, which essentially relate both descriptions.
- (4 lectures) Then I will go to the main properties of
QFT as a factorized scattering theory:
- (1 lecture) from the presence of an infinite
number of
conservation laws: the factorization
of the scattering matrix, its
simple analytical properties
and the Yang-Baxter equations,
and how to
determine the scattering matrix from these properties, some intuition
and some verifications by standard methods;
- (1 lecture) from the knowledge of the scattering
matrix: the form factor
equations (they form a Riemann-Hilbert problem) for the
matrix elements of local fields in the basis of asymptotic states (the
form factors);
- (2 lectures) some
methods to solve these equations and
calculate the form factors: this gives in fact a quite explicit
representation of the operator algebra on the Hilbert space, and allows
to reconstruct the correlation
functions from
the form factors.
I will illustrate these properties with simple models as necessary. I
may give an example of application of the correlation functions
obtained (for instance, the spectral density in the Hubbard model near
to its critical point) and I may describe some of the underlying
mathematical structure.
- (1 lecture, optional) This can already be a lot, but
depending on how it
goes, I can touch upon other subjects as desired (although each of them
could form many other lectures if developed):
- integrable QFT with boundaries;
- the non-linear differential equations to
determine correlation functions in the Ising model (or: Painlevé
equations and solving the associated connection problems from Clifford
- Bethe ansatz techniques;
- perturbing an integrable model;
- conformal perturbation theory;
- the correlation functions in integrable QFT at
finite temperature.
I will adjust the level of my course to the backgrounds of the
participants. For instance, it is OK for me not to assume more than a
basic knowledge of QFT (a knowledge of free theories and some idea of
what may happen when there is interaction could be sufficient). Also, I
can go to more or less technical details and more or less involved
mathematical description depending on what is preferred. I will try to
point throughout to yet unresolved problems of integrable quantum field
- G. Mussardo, Off-critical statistical models:
Factorized scattering theories
and bootstrap program. Phys. Rep. 218 (1992) 215-379
- P. Dorey, Exact S-matrices. Preprint hep-th/9810026.
- F. H. L. Essler, R. M. Konik, Applications of Massive
Field Theories to Problems in Condensed Matter Physics. I.
Kogan Memorial
Volume, World Scientific, preprint cond-mat/0412421
Recent thesis (have a look at the introductions):
- O. A. Castro
Alvaredo, Bootstrap methods in 1+1 dimensional quantum field
theory: the homogeneous sine-Gordon models. Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela, Spain (2001) hep-th/0109212
- B. D., Correlation functions in integrable quantum
field theory. Rutgers
University, USA (2004) .ps, .pdf
Fundamental literature:
(*) Good to read
(**) Good to read with caution: some important formulas are incorrect
and some parts are impenetrable...
- P. P. Kulish, Factorization of the classical and
quantum S matrix and con-
servation laws. Theor. Math. Phys. 26 (1976) 132 [Teor. Mat. Fiz. 26
- B. Schroer, T. T. Truong and P. H. Weisz, Towards an
explicit construction
of the sine-Gordon theory. Phys. Lett. B63 (1976) 422-424.
- (*) A. B. Zamolodchikov, Exact two-particle S-matrix
of quantum sine-Gordon
solitons. Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 25 (1977) 499-502; Comm. Math. Phys.
55 (1977) 183-186.
- (*) R. Shankar and E. Witten, S matrix of the
supersymmetric nonlinear sigma
model. Phys. Rev. D17 (1978) 2134-2143.
- (*) A. B. Zamolodchikov and Al. B. Zamolodchikov,
Factorized S-matrices in
two dimensions as the exact solutions of certain relativistic quantum
theory models, Ann. Phys. 120 (1979) 253-291.
- M. Karowski and H.-J. Thun, Complete S -matrix of the
O(2N ) Gross-Neveu
model. Nucl. Phys. B190 [FS3] (1981) 61-92.
form factors
- (*) M. Karowski and P. Weisz, Exact form factors in
(1+1)-dimensional field
theoretic models with soliton behaviour. Nucl. Phys. B139 (1978)
- B. Berg, M. Karowski, P. Weisz, Construction of
Green’s functions from an
exact S matrix, Phys. Rev. D19 (1979) pp. 2477-2479.
- F. A. Smirnov, The quantum
Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko equations and
form factors in the sine-Gordon model. J. Phys. A17 (1984) L873-L878.
- F. A. Smirnov, A general formula for soliton form
factors in the quantum
sine-Gordon model. J. Phys. A19 (1986) L575-L578.
- A. N. Kirillov and F. A. Smirnov, A representation of
the current algebra
connected with the S U (2)-invariant Thirring model. Phys. Lett. B198
- (*) J. Cardy and G. Mussardo, Form factors of
descendent operators in perturbed
conformal field theories. Nucl. Phys. B340 (1990) 387-402.
- (**) F. A. Smirnov, Form factors in completely
integrable models of quantum
field theory, World Scientific, Singapore (1992).
- A. Koubek, The space of local operators in perturbed
conformal field theo-
ries. Nucl. Phys. B435 (1995) 703-734; A method to determine the
content of perturbed conformal field theories. Phys. Lett. B346 (1995)
- S. Lukyanov, Free field representation for massive
integrable models. Com-
mun. Math. Phys. 167 (1995) 183-226, preprint hep-th/9307196.
- H. Babujian, A. Fring, M. Karowski and A. Zapletal,
Exact form factors in
integrable quantum field theories: the sine-Gordon model. Nucl. Phys.
(1999) 535-586, preprint hep-th/9805185.