UML-RSDS Model Transformation and Model-Driven Development Tools
Supports: Rapid development of complex transformations and systems from specifications

Visual specification of transformations and systems using UML 2 (class diagrams, OCL, use cases)
UML-RSDS solves the long-standing problem of how to combine declarative high-level specification of
model transformations and general software systems, with efficient execution. It does this by enabling
users to write their specifications in OCL and class diagrams, and then automatically generating
efficient Java code from these specifications.
The tool can be used to quickly sketch designs in UML and immediately generate working code - even for
incomplete models. It can also be used to quickly produce prototypes or test scripts.
Download latest current release: here.
Uncompress and execute as java -jar umlrsds.jar
in the download directory umlrsds17, the writable subdirectory called "output" contains input and output data.
Number of downloads: 1341
This manual explains the UML-RSDS notation and
how to use the tools.
Case studies and publications
Simple mathematical example defines a correlation calculator.
The TTC 2017 Family to Persons case
The system processess large models efficiently, models of size 100,000 elements can be transformed in under 1 second
(UML to relational database case study). Java code is produced ready for incorporation into production systems.
Kevin Lano:
Shekoufeh Kolahdouz-Rahimi: