Workshop, Tutorials and Competitions

Artificial Intelligence and Law Tutorial

Here is a short description: The goal of the tutorial is to provide the audience with sufficient background to enable them to appreciate and to engage with the ideas and issues presented in the remainder of the 2017 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law. The tutorial is intended for newcomers to the field of Artificial Intelligence and Law or those who wish to have a 'refresher' course. No technical knowledge on the part of the audience will be assumed.

More information is available on the Tutorial website.

Doctoral Consortium

The ICAIL 2017 Doctoral Consortium aims at promoting the exchange of ideas from PhD reseachers in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Law, and to provide them an opportunity to interact and receive feedback from leading scholars and experts in the field. Specifically, the Consortium seeks to provide opportunities for PhD students to obtain fruitful feedback and advice on their research projects, meet experts from different backgrounds working on topics related to the AI & Law and Legal Information Systems fields, have a face to face mentoring discussion on the topic and methodology of the PhD with an international senior scholar and to discuss concerns about research, supervision, the job market, and other career-related issues.

More information is available on the Doctoral Consortium webpage.

Workshop on AI in Legal Practice

This whole-day workshop consists of two parts. The morning session that is aimed at law students and legal professionals in particular consists of an introductory tutorial and demonstration of well-established AI techniques and tools followed by a hands-on demonstration of how these can be used in law firms. The afternoon session aims to bridge the gap between legal professionals and AI & Law researchers by matching more cutting edge AI & Law research to prospective applications in legal practice.

More information is available on the Workshop webpage.

8th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and the Complexity of Legal Systems

The AICOL workshops welcome research in AI, political and legal theory, jurisprudence, philosophy of technology and the law, social intelligence, nMAS,to address the ways in which the current information revolution affects basic pillars of today’s legal and political systems, in such fields as e-democracy, e-government, e-justice, transnational governance, Data Protection, and Security.

More information is available on the Workshop webpage.

DESI VII Workshop on Using Advanced Data Analysis in eDiscovery & Related Disciplines to Identify and Protect Sensitive Information in Large Collections

The DESI VII workshop will provide a platform for discussion of best practices and innovations in the use of advanced search technology, text classification, language processing, data organization, visualization and related techniques for the purposes of accessing and managing electronically stored information. One focus of the DESI VII workshop will be on emerging protocols and novel techniques for identifying and protecting sensitive information in large collections. The workshop will also welcome contributions on other topics that are within the workshop’s broader scope. We expect the refined focus on protecting sensitive content this year to be directly relevant to at least four application contexts: (i) eDiscovery in complex litigation, (ii) European Union (EU) privacy policies, (iii) audits and internal investigations, and (iv) public access to government records.

More information is available on the Workshop webpage.

17th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument

AI has witnessed a prodigious growth in uses of argumentation throughout many of its subdisciplines: agent system negotiation protocols that demonstrate higher levels of sophistication and robustness; argumentation-based models of evidential relations and legal processes that are more expressive; groupwork tools that use argument to structure interaction and debate; computer-based learning tools that exploit monological and dialogical argument structures in designing pedagogic environments; decision support systems that build upon argumentation theoretic models of deliberation to better integrate with human reasoning; and models of knowledge engineering structured around core concepts of argument to simplify knowledge elicitation and representation problems. Furthermore, benefits have not been unilateral for AI, as demonstrated by the increasing presence of AI scholars in classical argumentation theory events and journals, and AI implementations of argument finding application in both research and pedagogic practice within philosophy and argumentation theory.

The workshop focuses on the issue of modelling "natural" argumentation. Naturalness may involve the use of means which are more visual than linguistic to illustrate a point, such as graphics or multimedia. Or to the use of more sophisticated rhetorical devices, interacting at various layers of abstraction. Or the exploitation of "extra-rational" characteristics of the audience, taking into account emotions and affective factors.

More information is available on the Workshop webpage.

ICAIL 2017 Workshop — Evidence & Decision Making in the Law

We intend to foster an interdisciplinary debate on the interactions between evidential reasoning establishing the facts and deliberative decision making determining legal action. In the process, different values must be balanced, in particular accuracy, fairness and efficiency.

The workshop should be of interest to researchers in AI & Law working on legal reasoning, argumentation theory, the interface between probability, psychology and argumentation; legal scholars in evidence law, criminal and civil procedure; the law & economics community; philosophers of law, legal epistemologists, logicians and probability theorists; social scientists, sociologists, economists and anthropologists with an interest in the law.

More information is available on the Workshop webpage.

Workshop on Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Law

Blockchain is an emerging technology for decentralised and transactional data sharing across a large network of untrusted participants. It enables new forms of distributed software architectures, where agreement on shared states can be established without trusting a central integration point. Besides, smart contracts are promoted as means to leverage efficiency, security and impartiality in the execution of an agreement, thereby reducing the costs in implementing contracts, facilitating their use and execution and increasing trust between contracting parties. Smart contracts can be implemented in open blockchain systems, and many technical and legal challenges arise with the rapid development of these technologies. The aim of the workshop is to promote research at the intersection of blockchain systems, smart contracts and law.

More information is available on the Workshop webpage.

MIning and REasoning with Legal texts

The aim of MIREL-2017 workshop is to bridge the gap between the community working on legal ontologies and NLP parsers for mining relevant information included in legal documents and the community working on reasoning methods and formal logic, in order to improve the efficiency, comprehensibility, and consistency of legal systems. This will support legal reasoning tasks such as better search possibilities, compliance checking and decision support, as well as a better presentation of the legal information to professional and non-professional stakeholders. We invite submissions on a large number of topics, in order to bring together the two communities and foster discussion and further research. The workshop is connected with the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE project "MIREL: mining and reasoning with legal texts".

More information is available on the Workshop webpage.

ASAIL 2017: 2nd Workshop on Automated Semantic Analysis of Information in Legal Texts

The Second Workshop on Automated Semantic Analysis of Information in Legal Texts (ASAIL) will bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, academic and corporate researchers, legal practitioners, and legal service providers for an extended, collaborative discussion about applying natural language processing and machine learning to the semantic analysis of legal texts. Semantic analysis is the process of relating syntactic elements and structures, drawn from the levels of phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and whole documents, to their language-independent meanings in a given domain, including meanings specific to legal information. Researchers have long been developing tools to aggregate, synthesize, structure, summarize, and reason about legal norms and arguments in texts. Recently, however, dramatic advances in natural language processing, text and argument mining, information extraction, and automated question answering are changing how automatic semantic analysis of legal rules and arguments will be performed in the future. The range of focal texts includes cases, statutes, contracts and other kinds of textual legal arguments.

More information is available on the Workshop webpage.

Competition on Legal Information Extraction/Entailment (COLIEE) 2017

The 4th Competition on Legal Information Extraction and Entailment (COLIEE-2017) is a competition derived from Japanese bar exams. There are two tasks in the competition. One is to extract articles from Japanese civil codes which contribute to solving a bar exam yes/no question; the second task is to check entailment of a question from given civil code article(s). We also provide various NLP tools' outputs for training data to help your information retrieval and textual entailment.

More information is available on the Workshop webpage.

MWAIL: Multilingual Workshop on AI & Law research

The Multilingual Workshop on AI & Law Research intends to reach out to non-English speaking communities worldwide, in particular Spanish and Portuguese, to present and discuss on-going research on a range of reseach topics in AI & Law, both from a theoretical and practical point of view.

More information is available on the Workshop webpage